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Our Story
A few years back, we visited Lexington KY and greatly admired their bourbon society (Lexington Bourbon Society). Upon our return, we wanted to emulate that camaraderie. We started the Palm Beach Bourbon Society with hopes to enjoy just a small piece of what existed in Lexington. We didn’t advertise PBBS, rather decided to grow our club organically. We’ve met a lot of new friends and rekindled with some old. We focus on fellowship, education and charity. And of course, we focus on the whiskey!
So far, so good! Cheers!

Some Of Our Favorite Bottles

We All Love Our Bourbons

With all of the different choices of Whisk(e)y we have, it’s great to explore and know the difference between a bourbon or rye, a wheated bourbon or a corn only bourbon. A Tennessee whiskey. A Scotch Whisky, or other Single Malts. An Irish Whiskey or a Canadian Whisky. Let’s not forget one of my new favorites – Icelandic Whisky (yes Icelandic, Floki by Eimverk Distillery).We may even throw in an Anejo Tequila or two. Explore, sip and taste.
Our Drink Policy
We will not tolerate any activity prohibited by law, which may include some of the following: selling, ISO, (In search of) trading, advertising, Valuations of bottles or any other activity that is prohibited. Further, we will not stand for anyone to bash or talk disparagingly to another member of the group for any reason. You must be 21 years or older to be in this group or be on this website. Any Violation of these rules (that we have knowledge of) will result in you being removed and blocked from this web page.
Our Core Values
This group was formed for members to enjoy discussing and sharing opinions about all things Bourbon and Whisk(e)y related . We hope that you find enjoyment and learn (or help someone else learn) and explore the expressions we all enjoy.
Learn With Us!
Whether attending a Social Sipper, class or seminar, learn with us. We are here to share information and pass on what we’ve been fortunate enough to learn.
Countdown To Our Next Event!

Let's Share Some of our Favorite Expressions
The more events you attend, the more expressions you’ll be exposed to. From unicorns to daily sippers.